Friday, August 28, 2015

Home, new home!

 I believe it is a special time in anyone's life where they have the inner giggles that occasionally escape, causing odd looks to be sent their way, because everything is working out and their star is ascending.

Once again, my husband and I have just purchased, with minimal heartbreak, our second home which will hopefully do us for the next few decades. I have been passively looking for the last year, but with the wedding coming up and still needing work done to our current house, it was not the right time.

Then, this week Wednesday we decided to check out one I had had my eye on for a little while, and the rest happened very quickly. 
I have learned in my life that I am not one of those people who get everything perfect, or perfectly in place. With me there is always a compromise, even a small one. For this scenario, it is that our new abode ticks 99% of the boxes. There are other things I love about other houses that I would love to have in a home. Also there are a few things that we will tweak at this new one and make it more of our home, and I actually like this because it leaves something to be done.

If something feels too good to be true, it usually is and maybe the negative points are hidden. 

I would prefer to face the reality, know the negative points and work from there. But right now nothing, especially not small compromises are going to ruin this wonderful bubbly feeling that I have, when I look at Darren, our homes old and new, health, friends, and myself in the mirror. Because taking everything into account, for once I like what I see.

I have arrived.

Miss Tartan Fran ox    

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